Monday, 23 August 2010

Washing the NX and remembering why I like it...

So early last year I decided that rather than scrapping the NX or breaking it, I'd try and rebuild it. Hopes were raised, budgets were planned, and then...


Basically work, family, websites and a lack of spare cash all transpired to mean the poor Nissan has sat on my drive, not turning a wheel except to be pushed forwards or backwards if we need the room (At least the brakes don't seem to have seized yet!).

Every day I walk past guiltily - and it's got even worse now that the family car has been hit not once, but twice this year, and has assorted bodywork damage which could also do with some repairs.

At least I've finally had the time to start cleaning up both cars and working out exactly what needs doing, and what the best plan of attack will be - and I've given up some other hobbies in order to actually fund some progress. The biggest problems are that winter is coming, I don't have a garage, and I'm not entirely sure the NX is exactly watertight...

First job then, is to buy/find/steal/borrow a decent car cover from somewhere - anyone got any recommendations?